Dal and Cinde Sanders from The Dallas Magic Academy were presented with the prestigious Golden Wand Award on January 14, 2021, for outstanding contributions by Brian South, Founding Partner and CEO of Discover Magic. Discover Magic is the international education program specially designed to teach magic to8-12-year-oldyoung people. The program provides the kind of extraordinary fun that keeps kids engaged with the Art of Magic while they are socially engaging with their friends and other children their age.
The Discover Magic Awards Ceremony has been a tradition within the organization since its inception 2015. This is the first year that the Golden Wand Award has been presented.
“We are proud to award this amazing couple and their team with the Golden Wand for North Texas. We are impressed with the fun and excitement that The Dallas Magic Academy bring their students in addition to the life skills including creativity, confidence, planning and practice that is part of every Discover Magic course.”
magician Brian South, co-founder of Discover Magic.
Every Discover Magic class features custom created props, Top Secret File Folders that explains Sleight of Hand and magic secrets using everyday objects. In addition to this, there are exclusive Bonus videos that the students can unlock with a secret code after class. The tricks taught are specially designed for small hands and first-time learners.