quote from someone here, and it looks like this
and this is a horizontal line
nifty huh?
[dropcap]Pellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus. Fusce lacllentesque eget tempor tellus ellentesque pelleinia tempor malesuada. Pellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus ellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus.[/dropcap]
[dropcap style=s2]Pellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus. Fusce lacllentesque eget tempor tellus ellentesque pelleinia tempor malesuada. Pellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus ellentesque pellentesque eget tempor tellus.[/dropcap]
[lead] lead text content goes here[/lead]
[inline_list]content here
content here
content here[/inline_list]
[unstyled_list]<ul><li>content goes here.</li><li>content goes here.</li><li>content goes here.</li></ul>[/unstyled_list]
some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand some text in between them so they will change numbers aaaaand